Groundbreaking news in the world of graphing calculators! Tech Powered Math is reporting that the rumors of a Texas Instruments TI-84 graphing calculator with a color screen are true! Can you believe it? A handheld device that does math and has a color screen! We truly live in the future! Who would have imagined such a thing was even possible. Oh, excuse me, I have a call coming in on my mobile telephone that has a color screen, and does math, and is with me everywhere I go.
OK. Back. Where was I? Oh yeah. Calculators!
That’s right, years after all other screens on all other devices have gone color, the TI-84+ C has finally caught up and is ready to take its place as the king of all handheld devices with its 240 x 320 px screen. Wait, really? 240 x 320 can’t be right. What kind of tiny, lo-res graphs can you make on a 240 x 320 screen?
Pricing hasn’t been confirmed, but could be in the range of $150. Again, really? Fifteen years ago it made sense that these things were expensive, but now we live in a world where the only calculators you need are apps on your phone or can be used in a browser window. This is almost the same price range as a Chromebook, cheap tablet, or smart phone. Get one of those instead. Unless you absolutely need to play Tetris during your next high school calculus final. Then you can get this.
(via Tech Powered Math)
Published: Nov 13, 2012 08:00 pm