Deadpool gasping with his hands pressed to his face.
(20th Century Fox)

Give the People What They Want: A Hugh Jackman/Ryan Reynolds Movie

The time is here. It is now.
This article is over 6 years old and may contain outdated information

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We’ve all seen the clips, read the tweets, and understood the thirst that Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have for one another.  For years, we’ve watched these two and thought, Just make a movie together already. Okay fine, they made one, but it wasn’t enough for us (or them, clearly), and to see them together again onscreen would be quite a treat—and, come on, no one is counting X-Men Origins: Wolverine anyway.

They’re constantly talking about each other, going back and forth on Twitter as if we’re not already all obsessed enough with their friendship. So, when Jackman shared a picture of a Logan standee he found in Mumbai, Reynolds just had to say something about it:

Jackman, never one to let something go, decided to call Reynolds out on his obsession.

To which, of course, Reynolds could not help but respond.

And it seemed to never stop …

So then fans joined in, getting ready to see these two just take their love to the big screen.

The time for a good Wolverine/Deadpool movie has come! We’ve watched these two have a Twitter love affair for years! Just give us what we want!

Although at this point, we’d take any kind of movie as long as they’re together.

We’re all just here, waiting for it to happen.

Get on it, Hollywood!

(image: Marvel Entertainment)

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