Pink donuts covered in sprinkles surround text about 'Sprinklegate' bakery

A British Bakery Using “Illegal Sprinkles” Causes Hilarious, Viral #Sprinklegate

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A collection of social media posts went viral on Twitter, introducing the world to “Sprinklegate” and informing those of us not in the U.K. that the sprinkles there are apparently awful. Or as a now-infamous bakery in Leeds put it, “they look wank, they bake wank.”

The Get Baked bakery in Leeds, England appears to be doing brisk business, and has a fabulously named giant cake that is named “Bruce.” We already love Get Baked on general principle. But it’s the owner’s ferocious—yet funny—reaction to being reported for using “illegal sprinkles” imported from America that launched his commentary into viral fame.

The bakery was reported to Trading Standards, a government service that is supposed to investigate illegal and unfair trading activities. This would usually mean active scams or dangerous or misleading products, not colorful cake and cookie toppers.

It appears as though Get Baked was reported by someone they know, perhaps as some sort of revenge. A scorned business partner? A disgruntled employee? A bad ex-friend? We’re not sure, other than that Get Baked’s owner writes, “Whoever reported us to Trading Standards, (Dan?) all I have to say is Good Lord, what a sad little life Jane.”

I hope you’ve thought about what you’ve done, (Dan?).

Let’s lay out the whole sprinkle-y saga from the beginning. The bakery’s social media posts blew up after they were posted on Twitter by user @viqqyy:

It was the tenor of the posts that made them irresistible internet candy (erm, cookies). (Biscuits?) First the bakery’s owner explained why they would be closed for the day.

Because “illegal sprinkles” is an idea we immediately crave to know more about, Get Baked explained what turned these innocuous colorful baked-good adornments into apparent contraband.

“The sprinkles are imported from USA and may contain colourings that aren’t allowed over here.” Get Baked acknowledged that “I realise how insane this is,” but these sprinkles are serious business. “I am prepared to use them and no others. If I can’t use them, I won’t use any. I will be on sprinkle strike and won’t budge for no man.”

(Have we mentioned that we love the voice behind Get Baked?)

Sprinklegate has further taught me that some people really, really care about sprinkles—and the quality and color of their sprinkles—and that the sprinkles to be found in the United Kingdom leave much to be desired.

Things took a turn for the worse with a Sprinklegate update: Trading Standards came back and told the bakery to cease and desist use of those dastardly American sprinkles posthaste.

Get Baked explained why this crackdown would hurt their business and some of the favorites from their menu. Plus, “It is HIGHLY unlikely that we will find any legal sprinkles that we will use as a replacement. British sprinkles just aren’t the same, they’re totally sh*t and I hate them.

I am extremely passionate about sprinkles.”

This should be their new t-shirt slogan out of Sprinklegate, honestly.

“I am extremely passionate about sprinkles.”

And finally, the kicker. Whoever reported this (Dan???????), you have to live with the knowledge that you are keeping a seven-month-old from Disneyland. Look at your life and look at your choices, (Dan?).

Due to the viral nature of Sprinklegate, however, we’re hoping that Get Baked ends up with more customers than ever. This is the kind of publicity that money cannot buy, and certainly there are many lovers of sweet treats—sprinkles or no—who will turn out now to support the bakery. The story even made it all the way to the BBC and many other media outlets.

Lest we forget, baking in Britain is no laughing matter. This is hard-hitting news, people.


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“The secret ingredient is crime,” notes a pitch-perfect commenter on Instagram.

If you want to support Get Baked, you can follow them on Instagram and like them on Facebook. The owner is keeping the spirit of Sprinklegate alive:

“It’s Mr Sprinkles to you.” 

And if you live in England, it looks like you can enter to win a Bruce of your very own.

I am extremely jealous from across the ocean. I love you, Bruce.

(via @viqqyy on Twitter, image: Pexels)

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Kaila Hale-Stern
Kaila Hale-Stern (she/her) is a content director, editor, and writer who has been working in digital media for more than fifteen years. She started at TMS in 2016. She loves to write about TV—especially science fiction, fantasy, and mystery shows—and movies, with an emphasis on Marvel. Talk to her about fandom, queer representation, and Captain Kirk. Kaila has written for io9, Gizmodo, New York Magazine, The Awl, Wired, Cosmopolitan, and once published a Harlequin novel you'll never find.