If you’re looking for humorous Amazon reviews, the best place to start is on the pages of high-end audio cables, like those pictured above, which cost $850 a foot (marked down from more than $1k a foot). The pages of such items are regularly trolled by commenters leaving tiny works of satire aimed at the rich, the foolish, and the snooty audiophile.
But hidden among the usual troll comment fare on the page for AudioQuest K2 terminated speaker cables is one work in a different genre:
We live underground. We speak with our hands. We wear the earplugs all our lives.
PLEASE! You must listen! We cannot maintain the link for long… I will type as fast as I can.
We wouldn’t want to diminish Whisper’s art by reproducing it in its entirety, but you can read the rest here. We stand delighted at how they have managed to serve us an entire world in just one short review.
That’s a lie, our favorite part is that Whisper’s other two Amazon reviews are for chin-up bars.
(via BoingBoing.)
Published: Nov 28, 2010 02:28 pm