glen powell in the rain
(Universal Pictures)

There Is a Cute Scene About the Shirts at the End of ‘Twisters’

Twisters leaves us with a bit of an open-ended future for our new favorite storm chasers. And while I will forever wonder what happened between Kate (Daisy Edgar-Jones) and Tyler (Glen Powell), we do have some answers regarding their future as a team.

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Spoilers for Twisters ahead

The ending of the film took Tyler and Kate back into the storm. Just when she’s about to head back to New York to tell them what they discovered using her science, the weather rolls in and stops her from leaving. Well, the weather and Tyler running after her like the rom-com prince that he is. While they don’t kiss (they filmed one, though!), the two are clearly into each other and the last thing we see is Tyler grabbing her suitcase and running out of the airport with Kate.

What we have next is a series of clips playing as the credits roll. We get to see our new favorite characters all together, including Javi (Anthony Ramos), and it seems as if everyone ended the movie working with each other to help figure out how they can stop storms from destroying the homes around them.

It is cute and a sweet way to end the movie. And we even get another flirtatious scene before the final credit rolls! How fun.

So is there a mid-credits scene?

Sort of. The “scene” happens as this montage is ending. We get to see Kate and Tyler together with their friends and the back and forth between the two of them doesn’t end. The montage leads us to a scene where Kate pokes fun at the shirts that Tyler sells with his face on them. They say “Not my first tornadeo” and Tyler and his crew sell them to make money to buy food and water for those who just lost everything.

It really is sweet why the shirts exist but they are hilarious and Kate loves to make fun of him for it. So in the scene, she asks if she can get her face on a shirt and Boone (Brandon Perea) jokes that he’d wear it. It is cute, sweet, and more flirting and I couldn’t ask for anything more! Or well, I could, I could ask for them to actually kiss each other but hey, that’s what More Twisters is for!

So while it isn’t really a mid-credits or post-credits scene, there is a little bit of extra footage for fans to enjoy at the end of the movie.

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