Show Your Loved Ones You Really Care With A Hyper-Realistic Mask of Yourself

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

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The husband enters the room, bearing a gift box in his hands. His wife of 10 years watches eagerly, the remains of a steak dinner in front of her. “Darling,” he begins. “I wanted to give you the best gift imaginable to commemorate our time together.” She draws in a small breath as he lifts the lid of the box. “So I gave you a photo-realistic mask of myself.”

The preceeding scenario has not and, hopefully will not, ever happen, but don’t tell that to Japanese company Real-f. Using a system called 3DPF, or “3 Dimension Photo Forms,” a series of photos taken from multiple angles are composited into freakishly lifelike images and fixed to vinyl chloride resin shaped after your own visage. The company says that minute details like pores and blood vessels are what set their product apart. Fantastic. The masks go for around $3,920 for the first, with each subsequent mask costing a paltry $780 each. You can even get a complete replica head made, for $5,875 for the original and copies for $1,960 after that. Why you would want to do that is anyone’s guess.

Are these masks impressive? Yes. Unsettling? Very yes. More images below, if you can handle the weird.

(Techcrunch via io9, Real-f on Facebook)

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