You’re excited by the possibility of a well-done Marvel Spider-Man movie. You’re exhausted by Spidey reboots and origin stories. You’re cautiously pessimistic that you’ll ever get to see Miles Morales on screen. You’re annoyed that Marvel’s female-led and black-led movies have been pushed back for what’s probably going to be another dweeby white kid. These are all too many emotions to have. Shhhhh, shhhhh. Let us sit a while and contemplate Louisa May Alcott with a bearded, be-plaided Chris Evans. Deep breaths.  Soak in the calm guitar music and simple wooden furniture, and also Evans pronouncing “Concord” in the proper Bostonian way. Relax. Be at peace.
If you live in Massachusetts and want to take a trip to visit history yourself, we can’t promise that Chris Evans will be there at the Concord Museum (he shot this promotional film in October)—but they do have the snowshoes that Henry David Thoreau used “on occasion!” That’s really just as worthwhile.
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Published: Feb 10, 2015 11:25 am