Following the reveal of the Captain America: Civil War trailer, Entertainment Weekly has released some new stills from the upcoming movie. As jam-packed with characters as Civil War is, they’ve still found time to introduce some new players, too, and you can get a better look at them in these new images.
First up, we’ve got T’Challa, AKA Black Panther:
And another shot of him outrunning(?) Cap from that trailer scene:
Then there’s this pic, which features none other than Sharon Carter, who you may remember from Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Her relationship to Peggy Carter hasn’t been showed on-screen yet, but she was a love interest for Cap in the comics, and Chris Evans told EW, “I think he’s looking. You know, I think he’s certainly open to it. Sharon is obviously relevant, but … we don’t have to tie it up in one movie. So they have time.”
And then, of course, this is still a Captain America movie:
With everything going on, will they be able to make time for a Steve/Sharon romance? Heck, forget finding the time for it. There are bigger obstacles in the way, like Cap’s real one true love: Bucky.
(via GamesRadar, image via Entertainment Weekly)
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Published: Dec 4, 2015 09:45 am