You can’t even trust Build-A-Bear to not ruin Avengers: Endgame, apparently. While we’re used to spoilers coming out through action figures or even press tours, Build-A-Bear releases are a new one. So, I guess we have to start buying Build-A-Bears again? Am I going to have to buy all the Bucky Barnes bears?
A Reddit user pointed out some interesting voice clips you can hear on the page for DIY teddy bear company’s the Thanos bear, though it’s worth noting that they’re not in Josh Brolin’s voice, so there’s no guarantee they’re actual lines from the upcoming movie, or even close to them, but we’ll take what we can get.
The first line that plays, “I don’t care for your petty politics,” isn’t that surprising. It makes sense when you think of Thanos, as does “If you cannot retrieve the orb, don’t bother coming back,” because we’ve heard him say them (or, at least, something close to those lines).
Where things get interesting is with the line “I had all the power in my grasp.” The Thanos bear comes with a sword (that looks more like a razor blade) and seems as if he is ready for a battle. The key word in this quote is “had.” As far as we know, Thanos still has that power. He’s still in charge, and the gauntlet, while maybe slightly destroyed, still holds all the stones. Does something about that change?
The bear goes on, saying, “How are you doing this? You do not have the will to wield the power of the infinity stones!” and further confirming that Thanos is going to lose control of the Infinity Gauntlet, but who is going to end up in charge of it? The only one who is probably strong enough to hold it on their own would be Carol Danvers.
Thor might be strong enough to wield it, but Carol is the only one that Thanos has yet to really meet. So whether it’s Carol, Thor, or someone else—Nebula, maybe, like in the comics?—it seems that they get control of the Gauntlet.
Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26, and how are any of us going to survive?
(via, image: Build-A-Bear)
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Published: Apr 2, 2019 03:19 pm