The holidays are around the corner, which might mean spending more time with family than you usually do—and in more concentrated doses. This year of all years, you might want to be deliberate about how you structure that time. Anything to keep you all away from slipping into a conversation about politics.
Fortunately, we have modern distractions like video games. Video games can be an excellent group activity. They’re more interactive and conversation-inducing than watching a movie, but they also give you a screen with lots of sparkly, distracting action to stare at. There are definitely some games you might want to steer clear of if you have anyone prone to fits of anger, but the world of gaming is wider than you might think.
Here’s a wide list of games for you to try out as a group activity over the holidays.
10. Super Mash Bros. Ultimate

Platform: Nintendo Switch
Grandpa’s definitely not playing this one. Hell, your parents probably aren’t playing this one, either, unless they’re exceptionally cool—and spry with their fingers. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is an excellent party game, but one whose relatively complicated control set demands either some amount of skill with a joy-con or a very good sense of humor. Ultimate‘s giant roster of playable characters can easily translate into an entire evening of brawling. Just watch out for the family members who have a competitive streak—this is the game that’s sure to bring it out.
9. KUUKIYOMI: Consider It!

Platforms: Steam, Nintendo Switch
Want to figure out if your parents can handle the culture shock of a trip to Japan? The extremely bizarre and extremely Japanese KUUKIYOMI: Consider It! is a very unique way to test the waters. “Kuukiyomi” basically translates to “reading the room.” As that might suggest, this is a game about manners. Two players undergo several teeny-tiny mini-games in a row, all with barely any explanation. You will likely fail without entirely understanding the reason why. KUUKIYOMI is an incredibly funny palette cleanser of a game.
8. Drawful 2

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation, Steam, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, PC, iOS
Like all Jackbox games, Drawful 2 has the advantage of being easy to understand and of allowing all participants to play on their own phones. Plus, up to eight people can play at once. One player is given a prompt to illustrate. That drawing is then presented to the other players out of context, to see if anyone can guess the initial prompt. It’s not as wildly addictive as Quiplash (see below), but Drawful is a lot of fun.
7. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Platform: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation, Steam, PC, iOS
If you think you have an explosive family, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes will take that to a new level. This award-winning cooperative puzzle indie game has everyone work together to disarm a (virtual, not real) bomb. One player will be looking at the bomb, while everyone else has the manual and tries to tell the player facing down the bomb what to do. It’s stressful, maniac, and fun as hell. Theoretically, any number of people can play Keep Talking, which is a huge bonus.
6. Overcooked 2

Platform: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation, Steam
Overcooked is arguably the best couch co-op game series around, and general consensus has it that its 2018 sequel is even better for local multiplayer. Both games share the same premise: you and your fellow players are working together to prepare, cook, and serve meals. But these kitchens are far from ordinary. They’re free-floating in pools, for instance, and not everyone can reach the same materials. You’ll be screaming at each other about who’s chopping the lettuce and who’s plating. Every member of the family may not be able to get the hang of Overcooked 2‘s fast tempo, but it’s a delight to try.
5. Mario Kart 8

Platform: Nintendo Switch
Mario Kart 8 does require a bit of skill—meaning, you’ll definitely have to teach grandma how to hold a joy-con and which button means “go.” But if you can get around that hurdle, the whole family can experience why Mario Kart 8 has such legendary party game status. It’s intuitive to play, the courses are a blast, and it’s one of the strongest entries in a beloved series. As long as everyone can handle a red shell with a bit of grace, Mario Kart 8 is a blast.
4. Quiplash 2 InterLASHional

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation, Steam, PC, iOS
Quiplash 2 is one of the stronger Jackbox games ever released. If you don’t want to dish out for a full party pack (see below), Quiplash alone is a strong choice. Up to eight players can join in from their phones, with additional people able to vote from a “gallery.” The game will send participants a variety of short prompts to come up with witty responses for. During the second phase, everyone votes on which of two entries is funnier. You learn a lot about people’s sense of humor—and unless you’re completely at odds with the room, Quiplash is reliably a blast. And it’s a game you’ll keep playing round after round of.
3. Use Your Words

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation, Steam, PC, iOS
Use Your Words is similar to the Jackbox Party Pack, where eight players can join in and control the game on their phones. But as the title suggests, each of the four games in here focus on written prompts and responses. Craft newspaper headlines, write subtitles for foreign films, and more. The game leans dirty, but comes with a handy “Family Mode” to avoid awkward situations. Use Your Words is a fun and versatile party game you can play with anyone.
2. Super Mario Party Jamboree

Platform: Nintendo Switch
My partner was under the very firm impression he did not like Super Mario Party. But Jamboree, the brand new addition to this series which released October 2024, thoroughly changed his mind.
Jamboree is the biggest Mario Party to date, and crucially, it’s also the most flexible. There’s a ton of additional modes to play, including a rather hilarious one where you have to flap your arms like wings and fly around. But the main course, the actual Mario Party boards, really shine. CPUs’ difficulty levels are customizable, and you can even make their turns go faster. The new “Pro” gameplay allows you to significantly remove chance from the game, should you wish to do so. New allies, called Jamboree Buddies, add significant excitement and variation. And the new boards are all excellent.
The result is a Mario Party you could play with anyone, young or old, new or experienced, and have an excellent time.
1. Jackbox Party Pack 3

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, XBox, PlayStation, Steam, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, PC, iOS
Jackbox’s many Party Packs are standbys for good reason. Up to eight players can connect to the game and play on their own phones, and everyone watches the results in real time. There are currently 10 different Party Packs available, each packed with 5 different games. The games are typically some combination of fill-in-the-blank, prompt responses, trivia, or drawing—and they’re all delightfully goofy. Variety is the Party Pack‘s strong suit, and it’s enough for a whole night of fun.
Jackbox Party Pack 3 is widely considered the best one, and it has long been a standby for me personally, as Tee K.O. and Quiplash 2 are tried-and-true hits. Party Pack 8 and 10 are also strong contenders.
Published: Nov 21, 2024 01:23 pm