Is there a pop culture collectible more charming than the LEGO minifigure? Look at them, they’re so cute! You can buy them separately from the LEGO sets they can form part of and do whatever you like with them, including carrying them with you wherever you go. (They’re tiny, so who’s gonna notice?)
LEGO offers minifigures of characters from multiple franchises, but perhaps the most beloved of all LEGO collabs is Star Wars. If there’s a character you love from Star Wars, even an obscure background guy, chances are there’s a minifig of them.
It’s been hard to whittle the list of the best LEGO Star Wars minifigures down to just 13, there’s so many great ones! But here’s the best of the best:
13. Obi-Wan Kenobi with lightsaber

The saddest minifigure of them all. This little Obi-Wan is ready for battle with his blue lightsaber drawn, but look at all that ANGST and TURMOIL within him. What, you didn’t watch Obi-Wan Kenobi? You should, it’s very good. You can stick this Obi into battle scenes with Darth Vader and create a diorama of the tragic “You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker, I did” scene, if you’re a particularly sadistic person.
12. Greedo with blaster

Who shot first, was it Han or Greedo? Well, it doesn’t really matter, because with your own Greedo minifigure you can act out the cantina scene in any way you choose. Look at the attention to detail put into this guy! His head is pleasingly bumpy and his eyes, well, his eyes look just like they did before Han shot him. Or he shot Han. Whatever one works for you.
11. Darth Maul with lightsaber

Remember that moment in The Phantom Menace when you saw Darth Maul’s double-bladed lightsaber activate for the first time and you thought it was the coolest thing you’d ever seen? Now you can have your very own double-bladed lightsaber in LEGO form! With a Darth Maul to come along with it, of course. Actually, Maul is the main attraction here. It looks like he’s even taken the time to seductively rip his shirt open. Good news for all you Maul fans out there!
10. Princess Leia (Ewok Village)

Everyone has their own favorite Princess Leia outfit. Some people like her white dress and hair buns combo from A New Hope, and some like that infamous gold bikini. (Hey, I won’t judge.) But my personal favorite Leia outfit was always her Ewok Village getup. Check out how well made this Leia is, with her cloth skirt and long hair. But be warned, she’s very expensive!
9. Darth Vader with light-up lightsaber

Did you know that they made some LEGO minifigures with lightsabers that actually light up? They did! And the most coveted of these is Darth Vader with his red lightsaber. A mint condition one can sell for over $2000 according to Brick Ranker. So if you want one of these to add to your collection, be prepared to part ways with a lot of money…
8. BB8

The most adorable droid in the entire Star Wars saga. (Apologies to R2-D2.) This little BB8 makes a great addition to any Star Wars collection. He is very small, though, only an inch in height, so be careful not to lose him. But once he’s secured, stick him on your shelf next to Finn, Rey, or Poe and fondly remember when you first watched The Force Awakens almost ten years ago. Yes, it really has been that long. You’re old now. Sorry.
7. Queen Amidala

Of course Padmé Amidala would be immortalized in LEGO; was there ever a more LEGO-able character, considering that she has multiple beautiful outfits in every Star Wars movie? Here she is in her extremely elaborate red Throne Room ensemble from The Phantom Menace. She’s not an easy minifigure to get hold of, unfortunately, and will cost you a fair amount of money when you do find her, but don’t you want one so badly, Padmé fans?
6. Savage Opress

Darth Maul’s brother and arguably the best-named character in the history of anything, Savage Opress is another excellently designed and well-made minifig. And he comes with a red double-bladed lightsaber, a hood, and a little cape. Watch out for him savagely oppressing the other minifigures on your shelf.
5. Bith Musician

Told you there was a minifigure for literally every Star Wars character! This little dude is sold under the name “Bith Musician” and you’ll no doubt recognize him from A New Hope, but what is his actual name? He must have one, right, every citizen of the Star Wars universe seems to have been named in a book or comic somewhere, but what is it?! Well, nevermind, if you take him home you can name him yourself.
4. Santa Yoda

LEGO Santa-fied a few of their Star Wars characters for Christmas! Check out this awesome Yoda. (His head is the same one used for the very first Yoda minifigs from 2003, if you’re wondering.) He comes with a little bag with some presents inside, a red Santa sack, and not one but two lightsabers. Incredible! There’s also a Santa Darth Maul out there if you’re more dark side-inclined.
3. Jabba the Hutt (First Edition)

Look at this guy! Isn’t he just the worst? But everyone loves a really horrible, slimy, slug-like villain, especially when he’s one of the most iconic Star Wars characters ever. This particular Jabba is a first edition. He’s not anywhere near as detailed as future Jabba minifigures, but he’s coveted by LEGO collectors all the same.
2. Emperor Palpatine

What’s better than a Palpatine minifigure? How about a Palpatine minifigure that shoots lightning? Not real lightning alas, although hopefully some genius engineer at LEGO is working on that as we speak, but blue LEGO lightning you simply clip onto his hands. The perfect addition to your collection of LEGO Sith. He also comes with a red lightsaber!
1. Grogu

Remember when The Mandalorian first came out and you couldn’t go to a single toy store without finding yourself buried under a ton of Baby Yoda merchandise? Well, perhaps those times never really went away. Now we know Baby Yoda as Grogu and he’s still the most adorable creature to come out of Star Wars in a long, long time. This teeny tiny minifigure stands at less than an inch tall, so he comes with a little LEGO baby carrier to make sure you don’t lose him.
Published: May 15, 2024 11:19 am