A player with a sword rides a horse while Villagers look on in "Minecraft"
(Xbox Game Studios)

13 Best LEGO ‘Minecraft’ Sets for 2024 To Prove to Your Little Cousins That You’re Cool

Getting older is hard. Once you knew all the cool lingo like “the bee’s knees” and “hoochie momma.” Now you’re 28. Geriatric. Your little cousins are talking about “gyatts” and “rizzlers” and you don’t know what it means! How can you prove you’re still hip? With these LEGO Minecraft sets.

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13. The Red Barn

The Red Barn LEGO set from Minecraft

Let’s start off with a classic: The Red Barn. This is sure to make your little cousins think you’re cool, by showing that you’re a homeowner! It doesn’t matter that your home is a LEGO barn; it’s more of a home than they’ll ever own if the economy keeps going the way it does. And best of all, this barn has animals! Ducks! Cows! Chickens! Whatever that weird dog-looking thing is! And little Minecraft guys to tend to it. You’ve got people that work for you! They’ll be jealous of your success!

12. The Desert Outpost

The Desert Outpost LEGO set from Minecraft

Is a barn too tame? Doesn’t show that you’re rugged and cool enough? How about the Desert Outpost? Show those whippersnappers that you know how to make the best of any living situation. Back in your day, you had to make it work in the desert! The city in your high school Minecraft server was too crowded anyway. They said you couldn’t do it, that the skeletons would get you in no time. But did they? Heck no! You thrived! You can reenact your thrilling tales of your Minecraft days of yore with these skeleton and warrior player miniatures. Show them how you tamed the wild frontier!

11. The Skeleton Attack

The Skeleton Attack LEGO set from Minecraft

What’s that? The Desert Outpost isn’t enough action for you? Cut right to the blood and guts with The Skeleton Attack set! With this LEGO set, your thrilling battle against skeleton invaders will force even the most TikTok-addled attention spans to concentrate. Build a shelter and take up arms against a sea of troubles in the form of spooky skeletons and their undead steeds! Protect the cute little red sheep miniature! Defend your livelihood! Your little cousins won’t be able to look away.

10. The Waterfall Base

The Waterfall base LEGO set from Minecraft

The Waterfall Base is better than any wack tree house that your Uncle Bobby built for your cousins. It has a WATERFALL. It has a ROOFTOP GARDEN. It has FLOWING LAVA. Does a tree house have that? Hell no. You can populate your waterfall base with the included human miniatures, and even a little cat! Defend your pets against shovel-wielding zombies and devious Endermen that come with your purchase!

9. The Nether Railway

The Nether Railway LEGO set from Minecraft

Are your little cousins bored by everything in this mortal plane? Take them on a one-way trip to the world below with The Nether Railway! How can you be bored when riding a railcar through the pits of hell? Fighting off zombie pigmen and sentient cubes of magma? You can’t. The set also includes a little mine cart on which your miniatures can ride through the fiery pits. Since all LEGO Minecraft sets are compatible with all other sets, you could even build a railway through the underworld that connects two of your other LEGO Minecraft locales. That’s a WAY cooler method of transportation than the CRV your cousins rode to the family function.

8. The Creeper Mine

The Creeper Mine LEGO set from Minecraft

The Creeper. The most devious foe in all of Minecraft. The being responsible for turning the game from relaxed world builder to survival horror nightmare. Show your little cousins the true terror of The Creeper with the Creeper Mine set! A mighty Creeper effigy stands tall over the timid miniatures, who must brave the desert mine with pickaxes, mine carts, and TNT. But take care! Creeper figurines haunt the structure as well, ready to explode at any moment. Tell your little cousins to be on their guard.

7. The Iron Golem Fortress

The Iron Golem Fortress LEGO set from Minecraft

The Iron Golem Fortress, unlike the statue of Ozymandius in that one Shelley poem, shall stand eternal in the vast desert of Minecraft. Literally. This thing can actually go from building structure to battle-ready giant golem! Complete with moveable arms! Your little cousins will think it’s the coolest thing since sliced bread. The set comes chock full of mobs against which you must defend your desert fortress. Mounted skeletons and a charged Creeper may be able to stand against a poor player, but are powerless when faced with the might of the Golem!

6. The Nether Portal

The Nether Railway LEGO set from Minecraft

The Gates of Perdition have opened! Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world! Your little cousins will love it! The Nether Portal serves as a defining moment in the career of every Minecraft player, where children stepped through the obsidian portal and grew into adults. The going got tough, and the tough got going. Relive your fierce battles against ghasts, magma cubes, and zombie pigmen! The best part? This ghast figurine actually shoots real fireballs! Real LEGO fireballs! Your little cousins stop paying attention while you’re telling your thrilling tales? Shoot ’em with ghast fireballs! Totally cool.

5. The Crafting Box

The Crafting Box LEGO set from Minecraft

What’s inside this crafting box? Whatever you can imagine! Just like when you cozy up to your crafting table in the Minecraft world, the possibilities are endless! The set comes with animal miniatures! Mobs! Redstone! Lapis! Plants! Torches! TNT! Wheat! Weapons! And even an oven for all of your LEGO baking needs! Cutest of all, it even comes with a Periodic Table poster with all the Minecraft elements listed. If there’s one thing that’s cool in this world, it’s the Periodic Table. If your cousins disagree, then why do you even want their approval anyway?

4. The End Battle

The End Battle LEGO set from Minecraft

Beyond the fires of The Nether lies a place that is even more abyssal. Cold. Dark. Empty. The Finale of the Minecraft world. I’m talking of course about The End, the ultimate region of the game where the mighty Ender Dragon is fought. And now you can bring the battle to your basement! The End Battle features a buildable End environment and Ender Dragon that shoots LEGO fireballs! So you defeated the Ender Dragon? Tell the world of your glories by using the included code for redeeming a dragon slayer skin in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition online game! If there’s anything your cousins love in this world, it’s looking cool on the internet.

3. The Mine

The Mine LEGO set from Minecraft

Enough baby stuff. Petty squabbles with skeletons. Puny little shacks. Measly little mine cart tracks. Let’s get BIG here. Let’s get COMPLICATED. Let’s take a dive into The Mine. The Mine is a 922 piece LEGO monstrosity that allows you to build a labyrinth of mineshafts and mine cart tracks that a player could get lost in for hours. The set includes a Steve miniature armed to the teeth with weapons, along with more than enough mobs to shake a pickaxe at.

It also includes one of the largest mine cart tracks available for purchase, as well as all sorts of mineable goodies like coal and diamond. The best part? The Mine features a rock face that can actually explode. Blow it up with TNT! If there’s anything that’s cool in this world, it’s explosions. That’s why cool guys don’t look at them, because otherwise they’d be out-cooled. Don’t let your cousins make that mistake.

2. The Village

The Village LEGO set from Minecraft

It takes a village to build The Village. At 1600 pieces, it’s nearly double the size of The Mine. You and your little cousins have your work cut out for you. But at the end of the build, what will you be rewarded with? Friends. A whole village full of them! The Village features a whole neighborhood of quaint little houses, to be populated by players and villagers alike!

The set also comes with mobs like Endermen and creepers, but you know what? Maybe it’s time they became homeowners, too. Maybe they’re so violent to the player simply because they want what the player has. Community. Home and hearth. Be the bigger person here and sublease your house to a creeper in need of a place to lay its tired tentacles. The very definition of cool is providing social services to people in need, monsters or otherwise.

1. The Mountain Cave

The Mountain Cave LEGO set from Minecraft

The Mountain Cave is the mother of all Minecraft LEGO sets. Clocking in at nearly 3000 pieces, it’s the largest LEGO Minecraft structure that you can build. What’s cooler than giant objects? Psh. Nothing. This mammoth set features a massive downhill mine cart track, two mine carts, a first-night shelter with a bed, a mountaintop shelter with a bed and much, much more. This thing even has an ELEVATOR inside of it.

As for mobs? Don’t even get me started. It’s got a cave spider, wolf, baby wolf, two bats, Enderman, zombie, skeleton, slime, 2 small slimes, sheep and a charged Creeper. What else can you find in the mountain? Diamond, lapis lazuli, emerald, redstone, gold, and piles upon piles of coal. Equip your Steve or Alex miniatures with included golden armor, torches, and TNT and get spelunking! Worried about it getting dark in the mountain? Pieces of the set actually LIGHT UP. What’s cooler than luminescence? Without that, your little cousins wouldn’t even be able to see their TikTok videos. And what kind of world would that be? Pretty dark, if you ask me.

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Image of Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.