Agent Carter Recap – “The Atomic Job”

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Agent Carter‘s fifth episode features a lot of madcap intrigue and wacky hijinks — wackier than usual, I mean. Let’s dig into it, shall we? Spoilers to follow, of course.

We start with a slow pan over Peggy’s bedroom as our heroine lies in bed, fast asleep. It’s the middle of the night, or so we must assume based on the dim lighting and the spooky music playing. Jason shows up and whispers, “Peggy!” Somehow, this whisper works as an instant alarm clock for Agent Carter, who ends up pointing her gun at Jason in alarm. Technically, she points it through him, since he’s still not corporeal and he’s leaning in quite close. I get that Peggy’s constantly paranoid about getting attacked, but you’d think the increased security at Howard Stark’s estate would put her at ease? Not so much, apparently!

Anyway, Jason and Peg head to the lab. Jason shows her a cool new trick: he can control zero matter now. He demonstrates this by absorbing some of the matter from a sample taken from Jane Scott’s corpse; that small sample is all our heroes have left of Jane’s body, which Mr. Hunt stole from the morgue a few episodes back.

Technically, Jason didn’t intend to absorb that zero matter — he just wanted to show Peg that he can get it to move around. In demonstrating that, though, he accidentally absorbs it, and then he becomes corporeal for a split second. Absorbing the zero matter suddenly gives him insight into where the rest of Jane Scott’s body went. He now seems able to sense where zero matter is — or at least, he can sense the zero matter that’s presumably left in Jane’s corpse. Can he also tell where the rest of the zero matter went? (It’s inside Whitney Frost’s body – you’d think Jason and Whitney would be able to “sense” each other as a result. Maybe that’ll happen later?)

Apparently, Jason’s zero matter sensory powers allow him to write down an actual address. I was expecting him to just wander out into the street until he finds Jane Scott, but, okay. An address works too, although I don’t see how he’d be able to come up with that. Peggy figures out that the address corresponds with a storage unit owned by Calvin Chadwick, which comes as no shock to the audience, since we already saw Hunt steal the body in the first place. Jason thinks that if he can get to the zero matter in Jane’s body, he’ll be able to use it to make himself corporeal again. This makes no sense, because zero matter usually kills people (e.g. Jane, what with the “corpse” thing). Except for when it turns people into superheroes instead (e.g. Whitney and Jason). Zero matter: the constantly evolving plot device!

Howard Stark apparently owns a car called a “woody” that will be big enough to allow Peg to go steal Jane Scott’s body. I don’t know what a “woody” is, but after the Howard Stark Sex Car episode, I think I have some ideas.

Meanwhile, Violet has just rejoined the show again. Remember Violet? She’s Daniel Sousa’s girlfriend, whom he and the audience have presumably forgotten by now, since she hasn’t showed up since the premiere. Anywho, she’s here in her full nurse regalia, standing outside her apartment. Her door’s mysteriously unlocked, leading Violet to believe there’s an intruder. She walks in, grabs a baseball bat, and slinks over to her dining room … where a full supper has been laid out for her. She then notices Sousa sleeping on her living room couch. Okay, Sousa, I’m not going to get mad at you for napping until your girlfriend returns from her night shift, but you forgot to lock her front door, you doof!!

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Violet wakes him up and explains that she had to take an extra shift at work. She starts making him some coffee; in the meantime, Sousa begins to search through his pockets in increasing desperation. I assume he’s looking for the engagement ring that he’s been planning to give to Violet since the premiere? Unless he forgot it back at home. Wow, Sousa, you are such a scatterbrain today!

Violet catches him looking around the apartment and, in an adorable scene, he decides to propose without the ring at hand. We then learn that Sousa met Violet because she helped him with physical therapy: he tells her, “you were cruel and uncompromising and lovely.” I guess Sousa has a thing for, uh, that. She accepts his marriage proposal before they manage to find the ring – and they kiss, of course! Awww. Sousa, please don’t mess this up just because you still have a crush on Peggy …

It’s still the middle of the night over at Calvin Chadwick’s house, too. The senator-to-be can’t sleep, so he decides to go through his closet and pick out an outfit (?!). He has a good reason for not being able to sleep, since he just saw his wife kill a man with her new super-powers. Speaking of which, Whitney’s wide awake too. She interrupts her husband’s closet search to tell him she needs his help. He looks scared, which is an appropriate reaction and one he’ll doubtless continue to have for the rest of the episode.

Cut to: Peggy breaking in to an outdoor air vent at Calvin’s storage unit. Jarvis follows Peggy into the vent, at her behest: “Isn’t that why you wore your recreation tie?” Jarvis’ recreation tie is adorable, by the way:

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Apparently, secret agent training takes about six months (I looked it up), and at this rate, it seems like Jarvis must be well on his way to learning the ropes. By the end of this season, I expect him to enroll in the SSR himself!

So, Jarvis spends almost the entire vent crawl worrying about spiders. It’s very cute, but also I take back that thing I just said about him qualifying to become a secret agent. The poor dear!

Somehow, Peggy and Jarvis find the correct room with the correct corpse almost immediately. Is there only one room in this entire storage unit? Or did Peg just follow the cold fumes coming off of the frozen corpse?

Right as Peggy’s on the verge of exiting the vent, Whitney Frost and Calvin Chadwick walk into the storage unit. Turns out that Jane’s body “called to” Whitney, in much the same way that it called to Jason Wilkes. “It wants to be let out,” Whitney insists, presumably referring to the zero matter and not the corpse. Not that her husband would understand … doesn’t seem like she’s letting him in the loop on much of anything, here.

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Calvin cracks open the coffin, revealing Jane’s body, which hasn’t decayed at all. Whitney puts her hand on Jane’s frozen shoulder and absorbs the zero matter. So much for Jason using it to become corporeal again! As soon as Whitney gets all the zero matter, she looks at her husband and says, “I need an atomic bomb.” Uh … what?!

Jarvis and Peggy, who are still in the vent, share the same confused facial expression that I have on my face. But they’re probably more confused and surprised than I am, since they didn’t know (until now) that Whitney’s got zero matter powers.

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Back at the lab, Jason explains: “She’s trying to replicate the original atomic test.” What original test?? Jason seems to be referring to the film reel we saw of the zero matter explosion, which I guess involved an atomic bomb. I definitely missed that zero matter is supposed to be some sort of mysterious byproduct of the atomic bomb. Jason may have explained that at the time; I was probably just distracted by the coolness/horror of the film reel in question.

Anyway, the original test will require something special — “not just any bomb,” Jason tells us. She needs one of “the bombs used in the Isodyne tests.” There are two remaining warheads that fit the bill, both stored in Roxxon facilities, but “there’s no way to know which one.” This time, it’s Jarvis who has the information that saves the day! Howard Stark’s rivalry with Roxxon leader Hugh Jones means that Jarvis knows which facility has the most security – and, it follows, would be most likely to harbor the warheads.

Jarvis insists that the facility is “impenetrable.” But nothing is impenetrable for Agent Carter! It’ll just take some advanced planning. This is definitely a heist episode — hence the title.

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Calvin Chadwick seems to think he’s going to be able to talk Whitney out of wanting this atomic bomb. I have no idea why he thinks that’s going to work, but if I were him, I guess I’d try, too. He seems like such a bumbler compared to her – almost too bumbling to be capable of true evil. Whitney, meanwhile, has decided to go 100% super-villain: “Imagine what we could accomplish if we could bend the world to our will!” Uh … Whitney, you’re already rich, famous, and married to a would-be Senator who’s terrified enough of you to do any absurd thing you ask of him. How much more world-controlling can you possibly need, at this point?!

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Back at the SSR office, Sousa’s sharing the story of how he proposed to Violet – and how the pair of them never ended up finding the ring! The SSR office looks a lot more diverse this season, eh? I guess when Sousa’s the boss, he changes up his hiring tactics. I like how this works in contrast to Jack’s all-white office.

After Peggy shares her congratulations with Sousa for his engagement to Violet, she pulls him aside for a private chat. Peg explains that she needs some help coming up with an appropriate disguise for sneaking into the Roxxon facility. Finally, Agent Carter is working with Sousa on her next mission, as opposed to keeping it a secret from him. Sousa points out that she’ll need an awfully good disguise, since Hugh Jones has met Peggy Carter before (back in the first season).

Sousa brings Peggy to the department of, uh, science stuff, and bribes the scientist there with a slice of pie. Why the bribery? Because apparently, they need to grease the wheels to convince this guy to help them. This scientist has been working on some new disguise-related technology that’ll help Peggy become completely unrecognizable. So … they’re developing spirit gum? Seriously, it’s not like it’s that hard to make someone completely unrecognizable – all you need is a fantastic makeup artist!

Actually, the new tech is a “memory inhibitor.” If things go wrong, Peg can use this device to make someone forget the last two minutes of their life. Uh …. ooookay, that’s terrifying. Doesn’t help that it’s followed up with a very dark joke about how the scientist has been testing it on a colleague, who has suffered brain damage as a result. This apparently doesn’t dissuage Peggy from taking the device with her, though.

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Next up, Agent Carter’s sneaking into the Roxxon offices in business casual and a cute wig. Doesn’t seem that hard to sneak in, by the way — she just walks through the front door. (This isn’t the facility that Jarvis was referring to, though — it’s just the Roxxon headquarters, or something.) Hugh Jones meets Peg and mistakes her for a secretary; Peggy flirts away any misgivings Hugh might’ve had about a new person showing up with little explanation (incidentally, I love that we’ve gotten to hear Hayley Atwell use her American accent while in disguise so many times this season). Hugh leaves for lunch, and Peg walks right into his office, presumably looking for the key to Roxxon’s impenetrable facility. This is like that old trick where if you look confident enough, no one will stop you from doing anything.

Or maybe not. As soon as Hugh gets in the elevator, he remembers exactly who Peggy is, and gets back out of the elevator to storm back into his office. “If the SSR wants to search my office, you’ll need a warrant!” he says, wagging his finger at Peggy. He’s got a good point, especially considering that Peggy is about to steal from him. Peggy uses the memory inhibitor on Hugh before he manages to call security. Perhaps it would be more ethical to chloroform him? She ends up having to use the memory inhibitor several more times in order to complete her task, since it’s only a matter of time before Hugh remembers her. She’d have to wipe a lot further back than two minutes if she wanted to fix that! I can tell this is supposed to be a whimsical and funny scene, based on the jaunty soundtrack and quick cuts, but it seems like giving Peggy a fake nose and a chloroform rag would’ve been just as wacky and significantly more effective for the purposes of this mission.

In addition to wiping memories, the inhibitor also seems to knock people out, but only for a few seconds. Again – not sure why Peggy doesn’t just knock this guy out instead of using the memory inhibitor, but whatever. Anyway, Peggy has to steal the key off of Hugh’s person. How she figures out that he’s “wearing” his own key, I don’t know, but she does. I guess that’s why she’s the secret agent and not me, although she sure does seem to be flubbing this mission so far. By process of elimination, she figures out that Hugh hides his super-secret facility key in his belt buckle. She snags it, jolts Hugh with one more extra-long memory inhibitor blast, then makes her way out the door.

When Hugh wakes up, he’s got his pants unbuttoned and he doesn’t remember a damn thing. He seems completely fine with this. He also doesn’t seem to notice that his key is missing, which would be the first thing I’d check if I were him. Then again, maybe he’s really into taking drugs and masturbating at work, so waking up in a haze with his belt undone just feels like a regular weekday to him? He should be a hell of a lot more suspicious, especially considering his line of work!!

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Whitney and Calvin show up at a fancy restaurant where a dark-haired man in a pin-striped suit sits waiting for them. Based on the music and the lighting alone, I think we’re supposed to assume this guy is a mafia don – or at least a mob higher-up of some kind. He looks a lot like Ken Marino, because he is Ken Marino (!!??), a comedy actor best known for his work in Wet Hot American Summer, Children’s Hospital, Burning Love, Party Down … the list goes on and on and on. I haven’t seen him play a serious role, ever, so I keep expecting him to crack a joke here.

His character’s name is Joseph Manfredi, so I’m going to try to refer to him that way rather than as “Ken Marino,” because I’m going to have to get over the fact that it’s Ken Marino. Joseph makes a dark joke about the fact that he apparently used to date Whitney Frost and can’t believe that her current husband would dare show his face in his restaurant. Then he laughs at his own joke and invites Calvin and Whitney to sit down with him. Nice power-play, man.

He mentions his wedding present to Whitney – “bone china” – and she smiles and nods along. I know bone china is a real thing, but I choose to believe that Ken Marino – sorry, “Joseph” – sent a dish set made out of literal bones to Whitney Frost. I think she would appreciate that. Why didn’t she end up with this guy? Maybe because she couldn’t boss him around enough. They do seem to be cut from the same cloth, though.

Whitney offers Joseph a deal: she’ll ensure that he gets control over several new contruction contracts once her husband’s elected to Senate. In exchange, Whitney needs “some men” to help her “move some equipment.” Joseph can tell he’s in a good position to bargain, since Whitney’s got to be desperate in order to come to him, so he makes another request: keep his name out of the papers. Remember how Calvin Chadwick and the rest of the candle-snuffing oldies at the Arena Club have complete control over the press? Joseph apparently knows about that and wants to capitalize upon it.

Joseph takes a break from the negotiations to call out one of his underlings for checking out Whitney. And when I say “call out” I mean “Ken Marino beats a man to a pulp in the middle of his own restaurant, to the shock of his customers.” So, uh, I guess that guy’s fired? Also, Joseph can’t possibly be that worried about bad press if he’s willing to beat a man senseless in front of a bunch of terrified onlookers. Clearly, Joseph is a loose cannon. I like him, but only because it’s Ken Marino, who is nailing it in what would otherwise be a one-note role.

Now that Peggy has Hugh’s key, she returns to Howard’s estate to plan the break-in to the Roxxon facility. I realize this is just for the sake of narrative pacing, but the order of the scenes makes no sense here. Peggy would’ve planned this break-in ahead of time, not after stealing the key. It’s not going to take Hugh very long to figure out that his key got stolen, so wouldn’t he change all the locks at the facility almost immediately and get a new key made before Peggy could even get there?? She would have had to steal the key and instantly head to the facility, leaving no time to revisit Stark’s estate. Let’s just assume she did that, and that this scene is a flashback or something.

In the background, Sousa practices his bomb-defusing skills. He brags that he’s amazing at it, and then instantly drops the fake uranium rod that he’s been trying to disarm. “You just destroyed all of Los Angeles,” Jason deadpans. This plan already seems like it’s going horribly … but our heroes don’t have time to delay.

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Jarvis expresses his doubts that they can do this without some further help from the rest of the SSR, but since the Arena Club’s still investigating his office, Sousa doesn’t think there are any agents they can trust enough to bring along. Peggy suggests Rose. Yes — Rose!! We got both Violet and Rose back in this episode, and I’m so thrilled.

Rose doesn’t have any field experience, but Peggy points out that she’s had “the same training” as the men upstairs. Sousa continues to disagree that Rose should come with them, to which Peggy responds: “I’m seeing Daniel Sousa, but I’m hearing Jack Thompson.” Good one, Peg! “I’m just worried she’s going to get hurt,” Sousa insists. Cut to: Rose beating up an auditioner who must’ve gotten a little too handsy with her. (Does Rose regularly kick the crap out of auditioners? That seems fine.)

Rose, Peggy, and Daniel end up back in the science office, looking over all the gadgets, trying to figure out what to take with them. They aren’t there officially, though, because when the scientist shows up, he’s pissed off that they’re there. I guess they can’t let the scientist in on their plans because they’re worried he could be in the pocket of the Arena Club … except didn’t he already help them out earlier? Admittedly, that was only because they gave him a slice of pie. “Just ’cause you brought me pie doesn’t make you entitled to rifle through my work,” the scientist points out.

“Did you like my pie?” Rose flirts. As soon as the scientist relaxes, since he clearly has a crush on Rose, Sousa takes that opportunity to tell him that they do need his help finding more gadgets. Why didn’t they just ask this guy for help in the first place?! I guess they needed Rose there to do some extra convincing, but it’s not like that was part of the plan — it was more like a lucky break! Plus, the implication here seems to be that the main reason why women are great secret agents is that they can flirt with people in order to get their way, which … I’m not even going to try to unpack that right now.

Anyway, the scientist guy wants to come on the mission as well because he doesn’t have time to explain any of his gadgets to the crew. Seems fair to me, especially since he points out that he got told upon hiring that he’d be able to do field work eventually. Sousa doesn’t remember telling him that. Speaking of not remembering stuff, what’s this scientist’s name? I feel like I better learn it if he’s going to come along.

Sousa agrees to let the scientist come along. While he’s packing up, Peggy asks Daniel: “How can you be sure he’s not in the council’s pocket as well?” “I’m sure,” Sousa assures her. “Everybody hates Samberly.” So his name’s Samberly, then.

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I don’t see why anybody would hate this guy, except that he apparently thinks it’s acceptable to test brain damage-inducing new technology on his coworkers. Never mind — I hate Samberly, too.

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Our heroes’ latest car says Civil War Antiques on the side, which I assume is an in-joke about Marvel’s upcoming film. Rose and Samberly have the job of driving the van and talking to the cops stationed on guard outside the Roxxon facility. Rose tells them a classic cover story: “I’m so sorry, but my husband and I are lost!” Samberly reacts with shock at the “husband” comment, which makes me wonder why Rose didn’t go over this extremely simple cover story before they got out of the car. I guess she assumed Samberly wasn’t a total space-case? Huge mistake.

Both these Roxxon guards use their best Christian-Bale-as-Batman voices in order to tell Rose and Samberly to get out of the “restricted area.” Then, Samberly throws a device over the fence. For some reason, none of the guards react to this, even though it’s clearly a weapon. The device takes a surprisingly long time to charge up; finally, it emits an electricity charge that incapacitates all three of the guards on duty. That … should not have worked.

Sousa seems shocked that this plan worked as well. As our heroes drag the guards’ unconscious bodies out of sight, Jarvis and Sousa point out that they’re exceptionally well-dressed guards, considering their “security guard salary.” Not sure what we’re meant to take from that clue. Everybody takes the elevator up together, thanks to the key that Peggy stole. When they get to the correct floor, they find another unconscious guard, which seems to indicate that Miss Frost has beaten them to the facility. Nonetheless, Sousa encourages everyone to “stick to the plan.”

They come upon a hallway of electronically locked doors. But which one to break into first? No one knows, which makes no sense, since Jarvis had a copy of the building blueprints in a previous scene. They knew which floor to go to, so why are they all so confused about which room to break into? Samberly solves the problem for them by hacking a security panel, thus opening all of the doors at once. Samberly can hack security panels? I guess if he knows how to build a memory inhibitor and an electricity grenade, then sure, he must know how to hack a security panel, too. He’s a catch-all electrician at this point.

Sousa points to a room indicated on the security system that has double-thick walls. That’s gotta be the one with the bombs! That was lucky. Did they seriously just head into this building with no idea where to go?

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Meanwhile, Whitney Frost can’t find the bombs either – nor can her doofy husband, or the mob guys she’s brought with her to help her move them out. Whitney doesn’t seem to think it’s suspicious that all of the electronic doors just mysteriously unlocked, either. How was she unlocking them before Peggy and company showed up to shut down the security system? And how did Whitney Frost get in without a key? If she’s there with Hugh’s permission, then why did she need to recruit mobsters to help her move the bombs? I know Agent Carter tends to skip over details like this, but this episode has really set a new record when it comes to that.

Anyway, Samberly’s motion detector tracks Whitney and her goons from one hallway over. “I got this,” Rose says, leaving to go take on Whitney Frost by herself. Sousa protests; Rose ignores him; Peggy just smiles. Go, Rose, go!

Rose doesn’t run into Whitney, but she does run into one of the mobsters. She takes out this guy, who has a knife, all by herself and empty-handed. But not before making a joke about his knife first: “I’ve seen bigger.”

Jarvis and Peg find the room with the warheads. Sousa gets the bright idea of asking Samberly to lock all of the other doors in order to prevent Whitney from getting to them. This somehow results in Jarvis getting accidentally locked inside the room with the warheads. This is what happens when you bring people with no secret agent experience on your mission! This is also what happens when you make up the plan as you go along!

Samberly gets back to work on re-opening the door that he just locked. (For some reason, only the warhead room is locked, not any other room – why did they do that, again?) Peg leaves Sousa, Jarvis, and Samberly to it, making her way to Whitney Frost. Meanwhile, Sousa has to talk Jarvis through the bomb-disarming through the closed door, even though we already saw earlier that Sousa himself can’t even do it.

Samberly starts to have a meltdown over the fact that he can’t figure out how to re-open the door. Rose shows up — with the mobster’s knife in hand — and gives him a pep talk. Meanwhile, Jarvis manages to disarm the first bomb on his own. I knew he could do it, since I didn’t exactly expect this episode to end with every single character on the show dying, but the scene’s clever pacing definitely got my heart-rate elevated.

Jarvis ends up disarming both bombs. The door’s still locked, though, which is a Big Problem, because getting the uranium out of the facility and as far from Whitney Frost as possible has to be our heroes’ first priority. Speaking of Whitney, Peggy just found her arguing with her husband on a platform; Calvin’s still trying to talk his wife out of this entire plan.

Peggy goes right ahead and interrupts their conversation. She tells Whitney she knows all about the zero matter absorption, and that the SSR might be able to help her “fix” the problem. “Fix me?” Whitney scoffs. “Why would I want to be fixed? I’ve never felt more powerful in my entire life.” She tries to use her powers on Peg, who responds by punching Whitney in the face. Whitney just grins in response. Uh-oh.

Samberly finally unlocks Jarvis, who now has both uranium rods safely stored in a briefcase. I don’t see why putting them sideways in a briefcase is safe, considering how volatile they are, but okay. It’s probably a magic briefcase that uses Stark technology.

Back to Whitney’s zero matter prowess! After a brief fight, Whitney manages to throw Peggy off the catwalk. Peg falls onto a conveniently placed set of rebar poles. One of them stabs her right through the left side of her gut, which would kill anyone who isn’t the protagonist on an action TV show.

Cut to: Violet’s apartment. “She needs to go to a hospital!” Violet screams, upon seeing Peg’s blood-covered stomach. “No hospitals,” Peg groans. Um … why not?!! Violet asks Jarvis to boil some water, and explains to Sousa that she’ll need linens to “pack the wound.” Okay, an iron rod went straight through Peggy’s body. Straight. Through. How is she not dead? And why the aversion to hospitals?? Why doesn’t the SSR have its own emergency clinicians on hand? Violet’s great and all, but she’s a nurse, not a doctor. This just doesn’t make any sense.

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Back at home, Calvin and Whitney are fighting. Whitney refuses to give up on her plan to run the Isodyne tests again. She asks her husband to go to Hugh and ask for more uranium. He responds by losing his shit and outright refusing to do what she says. She’s probably going to kill him now, right? I mean, he’s pretty much outlived his usefulness to her.

Actually, all Whitney does next is threaten to kill him. If I were Calvin, I’d make a run for it. Or go to the SSR. Or both. He’s got to get out of that relationship.

Back at Violet’s apartment, Sousa assures Rose over the phone that Peggy will be “okay.” Peggy somehow does look okay, in spite of having been impaled on an iron spike mere hours before. She’s even sitting up on the couch, albeit with some groaning in pain. She should NOT be sitting up. She should not even be able to sit up. “The rebar missed everything vital,” Violet tells us from the other room. Oh, okay. As long as it missed everything vital! A flesh wound.

As soon as Jarvis takes Peggy home, Violet confronts Sousa. I guess she could tell that Sousa has a crush on Peggy, what with all those longing looks he gave her while she was on the brink of death? It actually wasn’t that obvious to me — normally, I point it out every single time I notice Sousa behaving inappropriately. Somehow Violet picked up on the tension between them, though, and she’s pissed that Sousa didn’t tell her that he had a workplace crush. Worse than a crush: “I think you’re in love with her. Aren’t you, Daniel?” We don’t get to see Daniel’s answer – although we do see him pause for wayyyy too long before the camera leaves this scene behind.

Over to Calvin Chadwick, making a middle-of-the-night phone call: “Get the Council together. I want to call an emergency meeting.” Can the Council save him from his abusive wife? That would be nice, but … it seems like a lost cause at this point. Calvin needs to pack his bags and go.

We get a nice scene of Jarvis fluffing all of Peggy’s pillows and reminding her (and himself) that her job is far too dangerous for his liking. I mean … she is a secret agent. There’s life-or-death involved. That’s part of the gig.

Meanwhile, Jason looks on, waiting until Jarvis leaves to ask Peg how she’s really feeling. Peg tells him that the pain she feels now is “nothing” compared to how it felt when Whitney attacked her with zero matter. Zero matter hurts worse than getting impaled? Wow. That doesn’t sound good.

Jason admits that he’s not surprised to hear this, but he refuses to go into more detail about the zero matter, requesting instead that they listen to the radio together. Before they can share a romantic moment, though, Jason’s image starts flickering again – as he disappears, the credits roll. Nooooooo! Not again!

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Lots of ups and downs in this episode – and lots of wacky comedic moments, some of which worked better than others. I loved seeing Rose on the team, but I’d like to see her get some lines that go beyond jokey flirtations and references to the fact that she’s a good cook. My favorite parts were Rose continuing to step up to the plate and be unafraid of new situations. Speaking of gutsiness – I admit, I liked seeing Violet call out Sousa for using her, even though the set-up for that moment didn’t feel deserved. Lastly, Peggy’s literal guts seem to have super-strength. Maybe her too-speedy recovery will get explained away as a byproduct of her zero matter encounter. Zero matter seems to have whatever powers are necessary according to the plot … and the plot sure does seem interested in sidelining Jason Wilkes, doesn’t it?

What did you all think of this episode?

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Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (