The proverbial “man” in the title of Men In Black always seemed to refer to The Man … as in, “Damn The Man.” Given that governmental cover-ups always seem to be run by white guys — what with the government made up of mostly white guys — it made sense that the first film focused on subverting the trope by featuring Will Smith in the everyman role. Sure, Men In Black and its follow-ups were comedies, but they were always political, too — so that’s why it’s cool to hear that the next film will feature a woman. In black. Of course.
Producer Laurie MacDonald told the BBC that “there will be a prominent woman in black in the fourth [MIB film].” It’s not yet confirmed that Will Smith will be on board, as well, but MacDonald’s husband Walter Parkes — who worked on the first three films and will help out with this one, too — assures us, “Never count Will out.” We won’t, then!
I’m not a huge fan of the latter-day MIB films (who is?), but if this one’s any good, I’d be willing to mind-wipe away the others. It’ll have to be pretty darn good, though. What do we think, gang? Which actress would you like to see as a WIB?
(via Vulture, image via Pinterest)
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Published: Nov 25, 2015 02:45 pm