“‘At any moment, Justin Bieber uses 3% of our infrastructure. Racks of servers are dedicated to him.’ – A guy who works at Twitter.”
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–Designer Dustin Curtis, Twittering about Twitter. No idea if a) Curtis made up the quote with humorous intent or b) he really spoke to a Twitter employee who was joking or c) it is 100% totally real, but there is a grain of truth in any event.
Update: Curtis has confirmed to Gizmodo that “that the tweet is not a joke, but it was told to him by the Twitter employee.”
Update2: Hah! Curtis again: “‘Most of the popular users on Twitter have dedicated servers for their accounts.’ — The guy who works at Twitter.”
(via @dcurtis | Dustin Curtis’ webpage)
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Published: Sep 7, 2010 02:02 pm