Things We Saw Today: A Slick New Wonder Woman Art of War Statue

This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

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Remember those DC Nation Wonder Woman shorts from 2013 by Robert Valley? Well DC Collectibles has made that super-cool lady their next installment to the “Art of War” line. Sadly no roller-skating Giganta. Yet.

  • ALERT: Tomorrow (Saturday) you can watch all 10 episodes of Amazon’s Transparent for FREE! “Everyone can watch Transparent using the Amazon Instant Video app for TVs, connected devices and mobile devices, or online at To add to the celebrations, customers will also be able to sign-up for Amazon Prime for just $72!” (via Transparent on Facebook)
  • Speaking of Amazon, Amazon Studios to Produce Films for Theatrical Release, Followed Shortly by Online Distribution. (via Laughing Squid)

SailorMoonHeartPhoneSailor Moon Collectibles has informed us this is a cell phone. I suppose we believe them.

  • Her Story is a Serial-style mystery, blending FMV and adventure games. (via Polygon)
  • The Economist Appoints First Female Editor in Its 172-Year History. Yeesh. (via Jezebel)

CadburyAlienYou monster. (via Neatorama)

  • DreamWorks Animation will make fewer movies because not enough people are seeing them. In other words, they’re laying tons of people off. (via The Verge)
  • Looking like that Gremlins Reboot Has Been Shelved (via io9)

Today we leave you with a very special, Twilight-themed Super Bowl car commercial. You’re welcome.

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