12:34:56.7 PM, 08/09/10 – Happy Sequential Day!

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The long-awaited date is upon us: At 12:34:56.7PM on August 9th, 2010, we mark the most hallowed of geek holidays — Sequential Day 2010! This sacred moment is up there with Sysadmin Appreciation Day.

Ready your video game-themed alcoholic drink canteens, because in honor of this annual occasion we’ve decided to count down 3 of the most beloved sequences in geek history!

3. Apollo 13

We dream of being astronauts. There’s nothing more terrifying–and exhilarating–at the notion of counting down to a journey into space. That’s why this scene in Apollo 13 is important. Because we’re in that rocket too, Tom Hanks.


Look, numerical sequences don’t have to make logical sense. Or so claim Lost executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof (who recently tweeted: “I’m so glad we made ‘The New Man in Charge.’ [epilogue starring Ben Linus and Hurley] I was starting to miss getting yelled at.”). Nonetheless, the infamous “Numbers” (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) are–for better or worse–now firmly embedded in geek mythology.

1. π

Lost should take a page from Aronofsky: You can’t get a better numerical sequence than this. Darren Aronofsky’s (Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain) first film revolves around the mad number theorist Max, who discovers a 216-digit number that signifies the name of God.

(via Geekologie)

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