Protesters occupy the Senate Hart building during a rally against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Here Are Five Positive Things to Do with Your Rage and Sadness Over the Kavanaugh Vote

Because it's been a week.
This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

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Have you, like us, spent the last few weeks in a single serve cyclone of rage, fear, and depression? Then the good news is you’re awake. The bad news is … that the news is just plain bad. The Senate is convening today to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, despite the Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, despite the national outcry, and despite the performative hand-wringing of men who claim to oppose Kavanaugh’s behavior but will all fall in line like the good little soldiers they are. Unless two Republican senators (or Joe Fucking Manchin) magically grow a soul/respect for women, Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

kristen bell

In times like these, it is easy to want to crawl back into bed with a bag of Babybel cheese and hide from the world until 2020. But we can’t do that … because we will run out of cheese eventually, but more importantly, because we have to suit up and be our own damn heroes. In the words of C.S. Lewis, now is the time for “courage, dear heart.” Here are five positive, soul-affirming actions you can take to heal, re-energize, and move forward.

1. Write a Thank You Letter to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s decision to testify against Kavanaugh on an international stage took a degree of courage and selflessness that is all too rare. Her bravery has inspired countless survivors to come forward with their own stories, and years from now she will be remembered as a pivotal voice in the #MeToo Movement. Take a moment this week and write a postcard to show your support and thank her for her brave testimony. We recommend postcards, as envelopes have to be screened by security. Better yet, invite some friends over for a wine and postcard-writing party as a respite from the news cycle. You can address them to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford c/o Palo Alto University, 1791 Arastradero Road, Palo Alto CA 94304.

2. Campaign for a Local Politician/Movement You Believe In

amy poehler

Part of what is so devastating about this news cycle is the powerlessness that we feel. That despite our protests and furious tweets, no one is listening. But the good news is that we’re only a month away from the most important midterm election of our lives. Now is the time to step up and campaign for a local politician or prop that you believe in. Sign up for a phone banking shift. Go canvassing. It’s crunch time, and we all know by now that If you’re unsure of where to start, Vote Save America has some great resources on the races within your state. Or you can always ask that one hyper-political friend of yours who seems to have her finger on the political pulse.

3. Be of Service to Someone Who Needs It

kristen bell

The best way to get out of your own head and boost that oxytocin is to help someone else. You’re putting positive energy out into the world and helping to distract yourself from this trash barge of a news cycle. The good news is that being of service can take a million different forms. Maybe it’s walking dogs at an animal shelter or fostering a pet. Maybe its signing up for a program to read to kids or volunteering at a homeless shelter. Or maybe it’s watching your friend’s kid for an hour so she can go out and get a damn haircut. There’s lots of ways to be of service, find the one that’s right for you and make a commitment to doing some good.

4. Do Something Kind For Yourself

parks and recreation

In turbulent times like these, it’s important to treat yourself in a healthy way. Go see a movie you’ve been dying to see. Get a foot rub. Go for a hike. Take a yoga class. Slap on one of those Korean sheet masks. Whatever you’re doing, it should include three things: 1. turning off your phone/social media for at least two hours. 2. Being present in your body. 3. Nourishing your soul. Do something nice for yourself, and don’t feel bad about it. Like I said, it’s been a week.

5. Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote. Then Vote. And Get Five People To Do It With You.


For the love of all that is holy, make sure you are registered to vote. States are purging voter rolls, and it’s always a good idea to double-check that you are in fact registered. Also, if you’re not registered to vote, register already! And annoy five people in your orbit to do the same. Your partner, your friends, your parents, your great-aunt Thelma: embrace your inner Hermoine Granger and badger the ones you love into upholding their civic duty. Our country literally depends on it.

What are your favorite self care activities? Share them in the comments, along with what you’re doing this weekend to feed your soul.

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Image of Chelsea Steiner
Chelsea Steiner
Chelsea was born and raised in New Orleans, which explains her affinity for cheesy grits and Britney Spears. An pop culture journalist since 2012, her work has appeared on Autostraddle, AfterEllen, and more. Her beats include queer popular culture, film, television, republican clownery, and the unwavering belief that 'The Long Kiss Goodnight' is the greatest movie ever made. She currently resides in sunny Los Angeles, with her husband, 2 sons, and one poorly behaved rescue dog. She is a former roller derby girl and a black belt in Judo, so she is not to be trifled with. She loves the word “Jewess” and wishes more people used it to describe her.