Robot Barber Gives A Messy St. Baldrick’s Day Haircut [Video]

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If you want a haircut you can walk out of the house with, you might want to go with a human barber. If you’re shooting for something less, uh, conventional, a clipper-wielding Multi-Arm Unmanned Ground Vehicle might be an option. This dude from Intelligent Automation Inc. opted for the latter when he got his St. Baldrick’s day haircut, and had the process filmed for science! and your entertainment. If you’re not familiar, St. Baldrick’s day generally involves completely shaving your head and collecting donations to help fund childhood cancer research, so this poor guy probably had a human help finish him off afterwards. As amusing as it is to watch, I certainly want to keep having my hair cut by humans. Or I guess I might be OK with a Flowbee. Maybe.

(via io9)

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Image of Eric Limer