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Hey there, everyone! Get ready for your New Comic Book Day tomorrow with some quality recommendations from TMS’ Pull Wisely crew: Maddy Myers, Jessica Lachenal, and yours truly, Teresa Jusino. It’s a healthy mix of new titles, tried-and-true standbys, and a new issue of one of the most intriguing, if intermittent titles out there!
Some highlights: One of comics’ most badass women returns in Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank Issue #1, the first of a four-part limited series! Matt Fraction’s ODY-C is releasing its second trade paperback in this retelling of Homer’s Odyssey, which makes it super-easy to catch up! And The Legend of Wonder Woman finally sees Diana getting involved in World War II!
But enough about what we like! We want to know what YOU like! What are you looking forward to reading in the coming weeks? The Mary Sue is putting together a podcast, and we’d love to hear about some of your fave comics! If you’re interested in sharing your thoughts with us, leave a message at (347) 450-7019 for inclusion in the podcast with your name (if you’d like) where you’re from (if you’d like) and the title you’re most looking forward to in the next month!
And as always, let’s talk comics in the comments below!
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Published: May 17, 2016 06:01 pm