Elon Musk’s X activity proves that media literacy is at an all time low. Dear Maria, count him out.
Musk took to the platform to repost a doctored image of Han Solo which tacitly touts the merits of gun ownership and government mistrust. Apparently Musk thinks that Han Solo is some sort of paragon of conservative values, proving that he has never in his life seen Star Wars.
While both of them share space pirate ambitions, Musk and Solo are exact opposites. Solo began his career as a drug smuggler blasting his way through Outer Rim bars, Musk made his money behind a computer – investing in other people’s hard work. As this user points out, Solo discovers that there is more to life than making money, that person is only made complete by strong morals and love. Considering that Elon Musk spends half his time bullying his own daughter for being trans, it’s safe to say that he has a dearth of both.
Musk also fails to realize that Han Solo joins “space antifa” pretty damn quick. He devotes his life to rebelling against the Empire, not serving it by making up government agencies and naming them after memes.
Bro certainty is. Trump’s tax plan alone, which slashes taxes for corporations and America’s wealthiest 5%, is proof enough. The Trade Federation envisioned of an entirely unregulated Galaxy, one where profit – their profit – alone ruled. Sounds like a Musk wet dream.
Definitely not. Or if he has, it went far, far away over his head. Despite Musk’s outer space aspirations, his support for a wannabe autocrat is the top thing that Star Wars argues against. That’s it. Reject tyrants. Even a third grader could tell you that’s the takeaway of the entire franchise.
Han would have. Elon Musk is exactly the sort of self-serving corporate shill that Han would have relished ripping off. If anything, Musk is a wannabe Jabba the Hutt – a man motivated entirely by greed but one who lacks Jabba’s actual ganster lifestyle. In other words, a rich poser.
Literally. Elon Musk draws the line when it comes to even virtual crime. After a user on X posted that they disliked Grand Theft Auto series in light of the upcoming GTA VI, Musk responded that he also wasn’t a fan of the series because he “didn’t like doing crime,” citing GTA V‘s jewelry store robbery opening sequence that caused him to put the controller down. Hate to break it to you, Elon, but shooting people is half of Han’s job. All other crime is the other half. Besides, I thought you were into the whole Second Amendment thing?
Maybe a conservative like Musk just wasn’t a fan of GTA V‘s Franklin and Trevor. I’m sure he would have loved Michael though. Considering that Musk’s presidential candidate of choice spent half his previous term in office pardoning white collar criminals, it’s a safe bet to make.
“I’ve never seen him say anything even remotely intelligent” says one user of Musk. And if current trends continue, we never will.
Published: Dec 5, 2024 05:07 am