The live-action adaptation of the popular Hiroya Oku manga and anime series Gantz has released its first sizable preview, and it appears to promise at least some of the same wildness as its predecessors. It will be the first of two films to be released in the spring and winter of 2011.
For those of you unfamiliar with the series, its interesting premise revolves around two friends who are killed in a train accident, and find themselves forced to participate in a semi-posthumous game to hunt down aliens. Potential readers beware: Gory violence, racy sex, and nihilism are common throughout Gantz, and apparently an mother from Crestview, Florida is now claiming that the series made her son “[lose] his mind.”
Many of the scenes in the trailer match up with the comic, but there are a few I can’t exactly place. It’s uncertain whether the films will be adopting a different storyline than that of the ongoing manga. Singer and actor Kazunari Ninomiya will be playing the protagonist Kei Kurono. Joining him are Kenichi Matsuyama (L in the live-action adaptation of Death Note) as his friend Masaru Kato, and actress Natsuna Watanabe (pictured above) as Kei Kishimoto.
(via NeonPunch.)
Published: Jul 13, 2010 02:54 pm