howard the duck and darcy on vacation

Didn’t think I’d have to unpack Darcy Lewis and Howard the Duck having a kid together on CHRISTMAS…

What If…? brings us unique pairings. That’s part of what makes the show fun. But the third season of the animated series really had us questioning a LOT. How does this relationship even WORK?

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From the start of season 3, we’ve had fun weird pairings. The first episode was Sam Wilson and Bruce Banner being best friends. Then we had Agatha Harkness, Kingo, and Howard Stark all together. The third episode was less an unlikely pair with Bucky Barnes and the Red Guardian and more a dream pairing. Now…well, now we have the weirdest couple the Marvel Cinematic Universe has ever presented us with. And that includes Steve Rogers kissing his niece!

In episode 4 titled “What If…Howard the Duck Got Hitched?” we get to see Howard the Duck (Seth Green) going on a vacation with his wife…Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings). Yes, our beloved Darcy married that talking duck and the two had a baby together, who is an egg. Their daughter hadn’t hatched yet and so they’re just taking care of their egg baby together.

Obviously Howard the Duck is on the radar of people like the Grand Master (Jeff Goldblum) and the beloved child of Darcy and Howard becomes a galactic issue. While it was nice seeing Loki (Tom Hiddleston) back as a Frost Giant as well as all our beloved space heroes, the relationship between Darcy and Howard overshadowed everything else going on in the episode. At each turn, we wanted to know WHAT was going on. And honestly? I’m kind of into it.

Not only was this episode dropped on CHRISTMAS but it also reminded fans of some weird things we just know exist online. Like Godzilla and what looks like Henry Cavill having a baby together…

Like…it was the Christmas episode.

Well, that’s a ship I wasn’t expecting.

The thing about Darcy and Howard is that while it is incredibly weird to think about, it does make sense. Darcy Lewis falling in love with Howard the Duck and the two being chaotic parents together isn’t something that feels so out there that you’d be shocked. It does surprisingly make a lot of sense for who those characters are.

So yeah, sure, thinking about the logistics of Darcy and Howard having a baby together is…odd, it isn’t exactly out of the realm of possibilities for Marvel fans to comprehend it. I just didn’t think I’d be thinking about how that egg is going to watch or how Darcy gave birth to the egg on Christmas day.

Do I want to see this actually happen? No. This is not one of those cases with What If?. I don’t need to see Darcy Lewis walking around with an unhatched egg in the live-action. But honestly, this is a ship that does make sense to me. Darcy Lewis with a regular guy? That doesn’t really seem like something she’d do. But a sassy talking duck who loves a free trip? That does actually seem like a perfect match for her.

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