Relive Darth Vader’s Amazing Rogue One Scene in 16-Bit

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story spoilers ahead, obviously. (P.S. What are you doing? Go watch it now!)

What did you think about Darth Vader’s appearance in Rogue One? While viewers might’ve been mixed on that choking pun (which I adored, for the record), there was a largely positive reception to the final scenes of the Dark Lord violently tearing up a Rebel command ship. Some of my friends have even called it their favorite scene in the film.

Now, you can relieve that action in 16-bit glory, which feels appropriate considering how nostalgic it felt for audiences to see Vader on screen. Youtube user Mr Sunday Movies uploaded the video of the ending scene recreation, which was made by 8-bit trailers creator John Stratman. If you’re looking for more, Cinefix gave the original trilogy the 8-Bit Cinema treatment last year and it’s a lot of fun. (And if that’s not your thing, here’s Vader in LEGO.)

(via Comic Book Resources, image via screencap)

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