Douglas Trumbull, one of the special effects supervisors on 2001: A Space Odyssey, is no longer making his making-of documentary on the seminal science fiction film, since Warner Bros. pulled the plug on his funding.
But while in Toronto showing off stills from the photo-book that 2001: Behind the Infinite—The Making of a Masterpiece is being converted into, he happened to mention an interesting discovery made in the production of his now defunct movie.
From Blastr:
Warner Brothers has recently found, buried in a salt-mine vault in Kansas, 17 minutes of edited footage that [Stanley] Kubrick cut from 2001 shortly after its initial release—and… this footage is perfectly preserved.
Unfortunately, Trumbull has no idea whether Warner Bros. plans to do anything with the footage, but we all know that if there’s a chance of getting fans to buy a special edition DVD yet again, a studio will jump at it.
(via io9.)
Published: Dec 17, 2010 02:11 pm