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‘Please accept my aPAWogy’: Reddit can’t stop laughing at this cat drama

Reddit has a way of turning the most mundane moments into legendary tales, and this one? It’s pure comedy gold, or gowld if you’re Muffin the cat. In this r/AmItheAsshole post, a user spilled the tea about some serious roommate drama, starring a cat with a love for destruction.

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Let’s set the scene

Our OP (original poster) lives with roommate Lily and her cat Muffin, who’s adorable but apparently has the chaotic energy of a toddler on a sugar high. Muffin’s latest misstep? Sneaking into OP’s room, destroying a painstakingly assembled puzzle, and chewing a piece for good measure. Classic Muffin, and classic cat in general.

Naturally, OP was not amused and laid down a clear boundary. Muffin’s unauthorized room adventures were over. Lily initially agreed, but then seemingly put on her rose-colored glasses and things took a turn. According to Lily, Muffin felt bad and wanted to apologize. Sure, Lily. Sure. My cats also apologize daily, I get it.

Lily then left a note on OP’s desk, written in Muffin’s “voice” saying, “I’m sowwy – Muffin,” along with a cat treat. Now, I’m not saying this is the stuff of comedy awards, but if this doesn’t belong in the Best Passive-Aggressive Roommate Moves Hall of Fame, I don’t know what does.


Reddit, of course, has thoughts. Most commenters agree that OP isn’t the asshole; Muffin is cute, but cute doesn’t rebuild a destroyed puzzle or replace chewed-up pieces. The real magic is in the what-ifs. Many suggested OP embrace the hilarity by writing a note to Lilly from Muffin. “Dear Wiwwy, Pwease don’t wite letters from me and say I’m sowwy for damaging [OP’s] pwoperty. I’m not sowwy beacuse I was just bewing cat.” (Reddit, please never change.)

Others suggested OP could fully lean into the drama by pretending to hold a grudge against Muffin indefinitely. Imagine the possibilities! OP could send Muffin a cease-and-desist letter or a restraining order. The potential for absurdity is endless. My vote is for writing a note to Lilly from Muffin noting how she will never change her ways.

And let’s not forget Lily’s role in this saga. While her dedication to Muffin’s emotional growth is … admirable, in a weird way, it’s also a bit unhinged. Lily seems to genuinely believe Muffin needs to “earn back trust.” What does that even look like? Muffin attending trust-building workshops? An intervention? Kitty cat behavior training at Petco?

The verdict

Let’s be real for a second. It’s not about puzzles or apologies. It’s about how pets, and us humans who adore them, bring chaos and hilarity into our lives. Muffin is a menace, but she’s also a furry little comedian who’s sparked a debate that has the internet laughing. That’s what pets are for.

So, OP, if you’re reading this, we salute your patience, and you are NTA. Maybe one day, Muffin will “earn back your trust.” Until then, keep your door closed, your puzzles safe, and your sense of humor intact. And if you ever decide to write back to Muffin? Please, for the love of Reddit, share it with us.

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Image of Sara Large
Sara Large
Contributing Writer
Sara Large (she/they) is a contributing writer at The Mary Sue, specializing in horror, thriller, and true crime. A proud advocate for neurodiversity and inclusivity with a passion for geek culture, Sara has been active in the fandom world since 2016, racking up over 1 million views on her personal platforms—thanks in part to some ADHD-powered hyperfocus! Her love for online communities and pop culture led to an exciting role at Skybound Entertainment, where she worked on iconic franchises like The Walking Dead and Invincible. Whether it’s comics, TV shows, or anything in between, Sara is all in! You can follow her on most platforms @mamadeadhead.